Rules and Common Mistakes in First Aid Giving

Khawar khan

Rules and Common Mistakes in First Aid Giving

First aid

First aid is the immediate and initial care provided to an individual who has been injured or has suddenly fallen ill. It encompasses a set of simple yet effective techniques and actions aimed at preserving life, preventing the situation from worsening, and promoting recovery until professional medical help arrives. The primary objectives of first aid include addressing immediate health concerns, minimizing the impact of injuries or illnesses, and providing comfort to the affected individual.


Basic Rules of First Aid:

  1. Ensure Safety:
    • Prioritize personal safety, the victim's, and others at the scene.
    • Identify and eliminate immediate dangers.
  2. Assess the Situation:
    • Evaluate the nature and severity of the injury or illness.
    • Check for responsiveness, breathing, and signs of circulation.
  3. Call for Professional Help:
    • Dial emergency services promptly.
    • Provide accurate information and follow their guidance.
  4. ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation:
    • Clear the airway, check for normal breathing, and assess circulation.
    • Initiate CPR if necessary, focusing on these critical components.
  5. Control Bleeding:
    • Apply direct pressure to wounds to control bleeding.
    • Elevate the injured area if possible.
  6. Maintain Body Temperature:
    • Keep the person warm, especially in cases of shock, without causing overheating.
  7. Protect Yourself:
    • Use personal protective equipment, if available.
  8. Reassure and Comfort:
    • Keep the victim calm and provide emotional support.
    • Offer reassurance while waiting for professional help.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  1. Neglecting Personal Safety:
    • Always prioritize personal safety to prevent additional injuries.
  2. Not Calling for Professional Help:
    • Dial emergency services promptly to ensure timely medical intervention.
  3. Ignoring the ABCs:
    • Prioritize the airway, breathing, and circulation to address immediate needs.
  4. Moving an Injured Person Incorrectly:
    • Exercise caution when moving an injured person to prevent further harm.
  5. Improperly Performing CPR:
    • Follow correct CPR techniques to maintain the effectiveness of life-saving efforts.
  6. Failing to Control Bleeding:
    • Swiftly address bleeding to prevent excessive blood loss.
  7. Using Incorrect First Aid Techniques:
    • Apply appropriate first aid measures to avoid worsening injuries.
  8. Neglecting Emotional Support:
    • Offer reassurance and comfort to reduce distress for the victim.
  9. Ignoring Bystander Safety:
    • Ensure bystander safety during first aid interventions to prevent additional accidents.
  10. Not Updating Skills:
    • Regularly refresh and update first aid skills to stay effective and informed





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